Thursday, January 26, 2023

An Arabian Princess

She was an Arabian princess lost in a desert of her innocence

Her steps sounded the night sky to a starry show of elegance 

I was a traveler wandering the dunes of her reverence 

Far away from a nebulous flower of radiance 

My eyes were swept towards her benevolence

Immersed in obscure wonder her beauty has no resemblance

Brown eyes of fiery gold it gravitates me to a feeling of resonance 

A smile that blinds the stars while i stand in reflectance

The most precious of all pearls 

So i lit a fire of blue and build and empire for two

I raise a flag to take her home where her dreams come true 

She was an Arabian princess and i never withdrew



Sunday, March 27, 2022

A forever flame

 A forever flame

He walked out tonight dreaming of a dimension far away 

Shaked his heart to steps of thought losing his self in her today 

It took him miles of all storms to a place where monsters stood to prey

Monsters took his hand to a stop  , he fled and kept his way

Gentle voices and a melody of nostalgic days kept him in bay 

Slipping into his dream a portal of light shined him up into a stream 

He flew in , it was a world of colors emersed in  imaginations of every extreme 

It was the dimension of her the one he held his heart up through stars that covered the sunbeam

She passes him a candle lit with a cosmic flame , he asked her what does it all mean 

She whispers , it is an infinite day dream you are my forever flame.

Friday, March 18, 2022

The Endless Love

To the wakes of each good morning & mundane days on repeat, to the late night thoughts of the emptiness of space and the vastness of it all. 

To the ecstatic days of upbeat feels and ongoing silly laughs, the way you just keep dosing off so suddenly.

To all of your sad worried faces in the realms of your worst battles, to your scariest twisted nightmares that keep on coming from years ago.

To the fierce competitions and wildest dreams , to the unsettled goals and the determination to conquer all.

To the echoes of doubt, every time you have lost yourself , where life seems to be an endless fractal.

To the future and to the past 

Surrender them all

Give yourself to mine,

The trust of a legion of armies the shine of an undying star.

The love of a mother to a child

The endless time in a mystic realm

The power of all titans and the fist the sun 

The promise of a generation to the glory of their nation

The fear of the unknown and the worst of all feels 

I will forever be the one, the one that gives you my all.


Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Forest Sky

Walking back and fourth the amazon I hear the forest singing to the moon.

There in the moon the girl whispered back the story of a lost town.

I went far through all the trees, and the birds guided me to see.

The sky grew starry and she was a shooting light piercing down towards me.

I followed her shadows and forgot the past and tomorrows.

She took me to glowing floors and ocean sky's.

On a boat we sailed those cosmic seas.

Everything faded , it was just me gazing in your eye...

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Cosmic Mirror

She wanders through life reflecting the shine of creation.

The looking glass of a nostalgic heavenly sensation.

A reincarnation of venus in human formation.

Her voice echoes every soul for salvation.

Closest thing to a mystical experience she is a magical dimension.

She is a mirror that unravels the every kingdom of imagination.

I take a deep gaze in her eyes, and now they call me a narcist staring at a mirror for too long...

Friday, December 23, 2016

Prince of Ernon | 3

Under the soul throb star Sirius.
The prince engraved his name Narcelious.
On the angelic divine heart of Rawncelia.


Rawncelia handed him a bracelet
Of love it was flame lit
Of friendship it was a safe belt 


The hero's journey unfolded with a melody.
Knowing the lyrics that are heavenly.
Narcelious began to sing endlessly.


With love and serenity.
Passion and integrity.
He started the first quest with bravery.


The quest was to defeat the dragon of dark.
It soars the mountains and leaves a mark
An echoing fire with the shape of an arc


He lifted his sword to attack
The bracelet guarded his back
The dragon collapsed in immense black


Wings of fire blue rose up
They fit Narcelious and lockup
The prince heads to the sky in a speedup

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Prince of Ernon | 2

The contemplation of an intersubjective realization
An elucidation of their every sensation
A cessation of all humanly foundation


Heart to heart and counterpart
She lives dimensions apart
The prince doesn't part

Her Heavenly voice:

"Prince my kingdom lies in a far mystical realm. Different from your own."

The prince replies:

"You are the queen of my throne. I will follow you to your home"

The angel softly whispers:

"To enter my land, you have to be a prince of a different form. After a heroic act my father's acceptance will be shown"

The prince answers:

"I accept what ever lays upon. My existence will be yours alone"

The angel radiates even more. She says:

"Here i leave you with the scripts of the hero's journey. With it you will venture the unknown"

The prince struggles to latch on but the angel is far gone ....