Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Prince of Ernon | 2

The contemplation of an intersubjective realization
An elucidation of their every sensation
A cessation of all humanly foundation


Heart to heart and counterpart
She lives dimensions apart
The prince doesn't part

Her Heavenly voice:

"Prince my kingdom lies in a far mystical realm. Different from your own."

The prince replies:

"You are the queen of my throne. I will follow you to your home"

The angel softly whispers:

"To enter my land, you have to be a prince of a different form. After a heroic act my father's acceptance will be shown"

The prince answers:

"I accept what ever lays upon. My existence will be yours alone"

The angel radiates even more. She says:

"Here i leave you with the scripts of the hero's journey. With it you will venture the unknown"

The prince struggles to latch on but the angel is far gone ....

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