Sunday, May 25, 2014

About Me

         Yours Truly,

         I am Naser Ashknani,born at 10/01/1994 and I come from Kuwait. My ancestral roots are both Persian from my father's side and Arabian from my mother's side. I have two brothers and one sister, all of which are back home at Kuwait, both my father and mother work in the ministry of finance. I don't pretty much have a love life as I choose not to, the reason for that is the distraction and problems that may come from such a relationship .I started doing Track & Field when i was 10 years young, and participated in many events and meets both nationally and internationally with the Kuwaiti team, my event was hammer throwing i continued to do so until i became 16 years young. After that i felt in love with science and philosophy, i was skeptical about everything, questioning how the universe existed, how life started, how did it evolve to such complex life forms. So i joined the chemistry Olympiad in my high school, and got 3rd place nationally .When it was time to go to college I chose Penn State, and travelled from the safe harbor to follow my dream  (it was a pretty long flight 13 hours).About my hobbies:

1- Bodybuilding ,as i like to stay healthy and fit, I usually go to the gym everyday

2-Track & Field, I am trying to get into Penn State's team, currently in the track club here.

3- Self Hacking and Self Quantification, what is meant by that, Is trying to get the most of my senses, abilities and performance. I also do experiments and research on myself using Nootropics.

4-Writing,I love to write about philosophy, I usually write down most of my ideas in notebooks.

Goals in life:

1-To Explore Planet Earth, travelling to every country once and experiencing their cultures.

2-To make a contribution to the scientific community, leaving my footprint in this life before i die.

3-To understand how and why everything exists, even though i may not find an answer, the path to knowing so is enlightening.

3-To become a millionaire, so that i can give back to the scientific community and also enjoy life.

4-To make people smile, in any possible way.

After 10 years, I will be travelling to extreme habitats exploring the beauty of this planet , I will always be going to the next extreme place on this planet Mt.Everest, Hawaii's Mauna Loa, Tamu Massif are examples.
The most important thing in the world to me is my family i love them so very much :)

 "I just live by the ABC’s.  Adventurous.  Brave. Creative." The Secret life of walter mitty 

also my favourite color is sky blue haha 

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