Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Daydream of Eternity

Him: Let me show you the way i see you, my every perception of you.
Her: Show me, but i am warning you I don't take these things well.
Him: How so?
Her: I over think, over analyse and then destroy myself in the process. I rather not drag you down into the abyss with me.
Him: What if I drag you towards rapture?
Her: It could go either way, two polar extremes.
Him: Open your soul, let your guard down.
Her: I don't trust myself.
Him: Trust the symphony....

You are the lullaby of the universe. Dance through the waves of enigma and lower your analytic sails. The universe has a way to guide you.

Her inner voices stop. A daydream exposes her to an experience and while she ventures through, her world shifts violet and blue. Stars of an uncharted garden. The sounds of all the butterflies. A majestic magical world, where she loses herself in every step.

Struck by awe and filled with wonder. Unseen colors and unheard sounds. A land of mystic thunder. Her steps light up a world beneath her.

The lights fade and the music stops. She approaches the prince of the kingdom. He looks at her with starry eyes of nebulae red.

A sudden smile. She Knows him. Overflown with ecstasy. She holds him passionately. He lifts her up and sores through a portal of melodies. They roam the every peak and valley of true beauty.

Entering a river of unfathomable scenery, intricate designs and the scents of heavenly roses. He lays her down. She whispers words of deep love and serenity. His expressions grow intensively.A cosmic kiss that lasts for eternity. She wakes up.

The Daydream of Eternity.

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