The inability to find evidence that relates to what was there before the big bang hypothesis.
lets start by talking about a human who lived for 60 years in a remote place alone without nobody his consciousness starts the moment he opens his eyes to the universe and ends when he dies,he wont be able to relate nothing from the point before birth to his life simply because there is no source of evidence or an indicator to that specific time where he did not exist thus he will live his life not knowing nothing from that time nor the time after his death.
The universe started by a big bang which is a single point that bursted creating space and everything that we can see,hear and observe.
Now the question that arises is what was there before the big bang? The answer is we currently cant know as same as the human who lived alone we cant relate nothing from the outerverse (before the big bang) to the innerverse (after the big bang) because for us to know the outerverse we must search for indicators that direct us to before the big bang.
The problem here is that we only now the universe from gravity, electromagnetism,weak force,strong force,matter,antimatter,dark matter and dark energy, which are all products of the big bang that falls into the innerverse thus they only relate to things that happened after the big bang not before.
Written by N.Ashkn
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