Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Knowing the possibility of time travel

How to know if there will be time travel.

The idea is quite simple but it demands commitment forever ,so for us to know the possibility of time travel to the past we must look for time travelers from the future and the best way in doing so is to choose before hand for those travelers a specific date place and time to travel to.

An example is to make a worldwide conference to choose 10/12/2020 at 1:00 p.m. in Stockholm, Sweden, at the annual noble Prize Award Ceremony the place and time which any person who would discover a way to travel back in time would be his destination, so at that time and date we wait to see if there will be any time traveler arriving if we found somebody arriving from the future it will prove that time travel is in fact possible.
But what if we did not see no one what would that mean? Well it may be that time travel to the past is impossible but not for sure as by us not seeing nobody arriving  we would have given up to that commitment thus never passing this message to that one who would invent a way to travel to the past and so we wont see him because of cutting of that commitment.

                                                          Written by N.Ashkn


  1. Whats up brah !!!

  2. I would love to puss through that time portal so I would be pissing on all these scientists
