Saturday, October 8, 2016

Homo Technicus

We are a complex species, able to unravel the mysteries of the universe and ourselves, we have came a long way from the most common ancestor, of the Hominidae family (Homo Sapiens, Chimpanzee,Gorilla,Orangutan) , that shared much of our genetic structure, and less of our unfathomable ability, to diverge our evolutionary pathway, towards any direction we wish to choose.

                                                       (Click Picture)

What is happening?

Technology is being advanced, in an extremely fast paced manner, we are now capable of integrating computers, and electronic devices to our bodies and brains, the ability to do so opens the uncharted lands of cognitive augmentation. Intellect is what truly separates us from the rest the hominidae family.

Cognitive Augmentation?

Our current technology enables us to enhance sensory inputs, sensory outputs, processing speed, memory capacity, creativity and various other cognitive indicators. Some of those technology are:

  • Brain to computer interface: A direct communication pathway between an enhanced or wired brain and an external device.
  • Bio-sensing Wearable: Electronic devices that quantifies and tracks our biological variables.
  • Exoskeletons: Mobile machine consisting primarily of an outer framework worn by a person, and powered by a system of motors or hydraulics that delivers at least part of the energy for limb movement.
  • Artificial Intelligence: A machine that mimics cognitive functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving".
  • Neural Lacing: A mesh that grows with your brain, it’s essentially a wireless brain-computer interface. But it’s also a way to program your neurons to release certain chemicals with a thought.
  • ExoCortex: A hypothetical artificial external information processing system that would augment a brain's biological high-level cognitive processes.

What Next?

Evolution clearly depicts the domination of intellectual fit species above all other, If we extrapolate from the past 16 million years ago, the only postulation we will have is the following:

A new homo genus, that will integrate all of technology in it's biological system, such species will be far more superior than us, it will be expand it's conscience and experience scope on demand, it will be able to venture in the it's on mind and hack itself, this species i call " Homo Technicus".

                                                        (Click Picture)

What does all of this mean?

This unfortunately forecasts the extinction of Homo Sapiens, thus if we don't follow the pace of technological advancement we will be left behind.

What should we do?
  • We should learn and integrate technology to our biological system (body and brain).
  • We should create technological ethics and regulation , to assure such technologies wont be used by extremist with bad intentions, I believe in a United Nations approach to assure this not happening.

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