Friday, October 7, 2016

The dance of life

It suddenly absorbs you through a world of synchronized beats, you start to see every experience as a piece of a melody, that is the symphony of life.

You are wave pattern of ecstatic ups and dysphoric downs, It all makes sense now, how can a song be a song, without a buildup towards a peak, and a fade toward the end, you are the dancing ocean of life.

Moments of sudden clarity, under the base drop of the electric festival of existence, you start to feel yourself in the midst of an omen, a realization so human in nature, you were born to reach this, you are peaking to greatness, it all makes sense now.

And i, I will continue flowing into the gates of ecstasy, to reach the gods of mystery, I will stand humble surrounded with victory, an achievement of clarity, knowledge of billions of years a dance with the cosmos.

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